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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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Observation Journal Entry 1

Observation Journal Entry 1

Q *Please turn in each journal entry as a link to a google doc. Please be sure to share the google document with me and provide me with access to edit the google doc. This way I can give you specific feedback that will help you fine tune the observation and assessment skills you are in the process of developing.* Field Experience Journal #1: Getting to Know the Classroom Context The purpose of this first observation is to learn about the programs and classrooms that are currently supporting children and their families. Complete either F2F or virtual observation; make sure that you include the mode of observation that you used this week. F2F Observations Getting Started Read through the program's Parent Information Packet, the school's website or any materials published by the teacher, the school, or the agency. If you are placed in a public elementary school, please also read the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) on their website. SARC includes a break-down of the ethnic, linguistic, economic and learning disabilities of the school population. Assessment Work Please carefully observe the following areas and respond to each of the prompts and sub-areas in a narrative format by using the headers and subheaders listed below. Contextual Information 1. age range of children 2. learning environment description o learning space o furniture o materials and/or resources o technology and/or assistive technology 3. number of children • o total number of children o number of children whose home language is not English or who do not speak English o number of children with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) (consult with your supervising teacher to obtain this information about the children) o number of children who receive additional services (e.g., occupational therapy, speech/language) 4. Is this a dual-language setting? If yes, then what language(s) are spoken with this group of children: 1. o Is this a bilingual preschool? If yes, what languages are spoken? o Is this a one-way immersion preschool? If yes, what languages are spoken? o Is this a two-way immersion preschool? If yes, what languages are spoken? Support Personnel 1. Describe the adults who are assisting in the classroom to support the children: o Support personnel? o Other adults (e.g., families/guardians)? 2. What will support personnel and/or adult assistants be offering or doing to support the children? Take-away In your take-away, you can reflect on anything that you found interesting during your research. This might include: • something that you noticed about equity and social justice issues that affect young children and their families • something that connects to what we have been discussing in this class, to other classes you have taken, to your own childhood, or to your own experiences with children • something that you might be addressing in your future work with children and families • a thought-provoking topic that you wish to reflect on Virtual Observations 1. Getting Started 1. Identify 2 different websites of programs which serve children aged 0-8. These schools can both be within your focal age range or you can look at two different age ranges. There are several sites hyperlinked below or you can research schools where you currently work, have worked, ones in your neighborhood, or ones that you attended yourself. Look for web pages that are robust and current. Here are some possibilities for classroom webpages. I suggest that you look at both the school (in pink) and then the classroom if one is linked (in blue). Age Range School & Classroom School & Classroom School & Classroom School & Classroom 0-17 months Children's SchoolLinks to an external site. RosebudsLinks to an external site. North Bay Ch Center (Links to an external site.) Infants (Links to an external site.) 18-35 months Children's SchoolLinks to an external site. DandelionsLinks to an external site. North Bay Ch Center (Links to an external site.) Two's (Links to an external site.) Brush Creek Montessori (Links to an external site.) Toddlers (Links to an external site.) 3-5 years UELF (Links to an external site.) Bender (4-5yrs) (Links to an external site.) Brush Creek Montessori (Links to an external site.)Primary (Links to an external site.) Fulton Community School (Links to an external site.) Children's SchoolLinks to an external site. PoppiesLinks to an external site. Early Learning Institute (Links to an external site.) 6-8 years Cesar Chavez Language Academy (Links to an external site.) Brook Hill Elementary (Links to an external site.) Liken’s Class (Links to an external site.) UELF (Links to an external site.)Kellogg’s Class (Links to an external site.) Mary Collins at Cherry Valley (Links to an external site.) Caudle’s Class (Links to an external site.) Assessment Work: Please carefully observe the following areas and respond to each of the prompts in a narrative format by using the bulleted points listed below. • How does the school and classroom teacher support children , i.e. what is offered in information and in tangible supports? Explain indications that children’s development is supported in this center/school. You can look for opportunities that support children’s health, physical growth, fitness, use of one’s body, body coordination; opportunities that help children experience and understand different emotions, understand who they are, form and sustain positive relationships with peers and adults; opportunities that help children learn knowledge, problem solve, and learn and use language. • How are families supported, both by clear information and by other tangible resources? Does the format of the information seem to reflect the families who participate in the school and program? • Describe the values and assumptions on child development and learning that are communicated by the school and classroom. For example, does the teacher or school emphasize the social and emotional environment? • Describe what the center/school currently does to currently provide care and education to young children during the COVID-19 pandemic and their strategies if there are COVID infections at their site. Analysis Compare what you learned by looking at both school/program/classroom sites. What features will support children development and family engagement and which features were less effective? What suggestions do you have to improve the information and the actual services that are provided on the websites of the programs that you looked at? Take-away In your take-away, you can reflect on anything that you found interesting during your research. This might include: • something that you noticed about equity and social justice issues that affect young children and their families • something that connects to what we have been discussing in this class, to other classes you have taken, to your own childhood, or to your own experiences with children • something that you might be addressing in your future work with children and families • a thought-provoking topic that you wish to reflect on Rubric Observation Journals Observation Journals Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJournal Prompts 3 pts Full Credit Address all prompts in the journal. 2 pts Partial Credit Address most of the prompts in the journal. 1 pts Consider revising assignment and resubmitting Address a few prompts in the journal. 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of Journal 5 pts Full Credit Journal demonstrates a thorough understanding of assessment tools and developmental concepts/milestones/theories. 3 pts Partial Credit Journal demonstrates some thoughtfulness on developmental concepts/milestones/theories; tries assessment tools though does not complete correctly or is missing interpretation/conclusion. 2 pts Considering revising assignment and resubmitting Journal demonstrates a lack of understanding of assessment tools and developmental concepts/milestones/theories. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing Writing is organized and uses correct spelling, grammar and effective word choice. 2 pts Full Credit Writing is organized and uses correct spelling, grammar and effective word choice. 1 pts Partial Credit Writing is predominately organized and mostly uses correct spelling and grammar. 0 pts Consider revising assignment and resubmitting Writing has many significant errors in organization, spellings, grammar and ineffective word choice. 2 pts Total Points: 10 PreviousNext

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Virtual Observation I will be using the virtual observation of the school Brush Creek Montessori and Sonoma State Dandelions. The teachers in both schools support the children, that is, the toddlers, effectively. They have many programs to enhance fitness and growth. When it comes to Brush Creek Montessori, they help the kids be independent, and they also make them understand the environment and its importance. They also support the social and emotional growth of the toddlers. The toddlers are allowed to work in the garden to connect to the environment. When it comes to Sonoma State, the children are given exposure to different activities.